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The story of the Snow Wolf

Anyone who has ever heard a wolf howl under a full moon will tell you that his blood was freezing in his veins from this long and melancholy music, reflecting off the cold rocks and penetrating right under the skin.
Many people, and some demons, are afraid of wolves, considering them ruthless predators who will not fail to surround a lone wanderer and tear him to shreds. But there are few who have actually encountered wolves. Those, most likely, will tell you that to be afraid of wolves is not to go into the forest, and that gray predators are more likely to run away themselves at the sight of a terrible bipedal monster. Especially if this monster suddenly has a longer stick in his hands. However, wolves are different from wolves.
Among the northerners there are dark legends about huge and fierce snow wolves. They appear only at night, come together with a snowstorm, and in the morning disappear without a trace. Except for the bones of their victims. Legends say that snow wolves are huge, fearless and ferocious, and their eyes burn with otherworldly yellow fire in the darkness of the night. Having seen the snow samum in the distance, the northerners close the shutters and turn out the lights in order to avert the trouble from themselves and not attract snow wolves. However, legends are legends to exaggerate. Anyway, there are no real eyewitnesses of the attack of snow wolves. For natural reasons, I think…
However, sometimes you can meet rare bone hunters on your way. This small tribe lives farthest to the north, on the coast of the eternally frozen sea. They don't like to talk about themselves, but others talk about them a lot. It is said that hunters travel through the ice compressing the marginal waters, and track down unprecedented creatures that have no name. Someone thinks that these are nimble snow leopards, someone that these are gigantic shaggy elephants with tusks capable of breaking age-old ice floes, although it is clear to the ignorant that there are no shaggy and fanged elephants in the world, and someone even talks about ice dragons. But who the miners of the rare bone actually hunt remains a mystery, while the bone itself is regularly supplied to the markets of the southern lands.
One thing is known about these hunters for sure – they invariably travel on the backs of huge wolves with yellow eyes. Such a wolf can run without stopping for days on end, driving prey. And the more wolves there are in the pack, the sweeter and faster they reach the target. These wolves do not know fatigue, they do not know pity, and they do not recognize anyone except their rider. Some believe that these are the legendary snow predators tamed by hunters, while others do not believe it. But everyone unanimously agrees with the name that the hunters themselves call their animals – tireless pursuers.
Sometimes, in a successful year for adventurers, bone hunters bring their tireless pursuers' puppies with them to the auction and sell them to the heroes. If you are lucky enough to get such a beast, and have the patience to feed it and raise it, then know that it will become your devoted friend and will rush you through any obstacles towards your goal.
The main thing is not to put your hands in his mouth, and make sure that he looks less into the forest. Just in case. It will not exactly be superfluous.
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