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The legend of the hunting bow

Any hunter needs a bow. That's what northerners think. A real hunter is like a frosty snake – he hides for a long time, and then hits for sure. And if the game is large and fast, he pursues her until she is exhausted, and then stings with one sure lunge. After all, there is no one more dangerous than a hunted beast, he does not forgive mistakes.
Bone miners believe that a hunter needs only a bow and a knife for his craft. They despise traps, snares and wolf pits. The latter especially. Hunting is always a one–on-one duel. Otherwise there will be no honor in hunting. And northern hunters put their honor above all else.
A bow for a hunter is not only a tool of his craft, it is his faithful friend and adviser who will never betray and will always lend a shoulder. Northerners make bows from brown snow birch – brittle and capricious wood. They don't make houses out of it – after all, the roof will strive to fall on the head of the hapless builder. And in general, brown birch is only suitable for firewood. If you don't know how to talk to her.
First you need to find a special tree – not straight and slender, but twisted into three deaths, buried by an avalanche and revived in the spring. In the very trunk of the tree, in its knots, cracks and bends, the future bow should be guessed. When you have found a suitable birch, you should ask her will to become a friend to the hunter, and after the answer, if she, of course, agrees, cut it off at the root, and fill the roots with pitch – each onion should have roots immersed in the frozen ground of the northern wastelands.
Then a bow is made from a single trunk – so that its body consists of a twisted and knotted core. The workpiece is then wrapped in a cloth soaked in fat and honey of killer bees, as well as sprinkled with fresh thawed earth and ashes of sacrificial fire, and then buried in the ground for five spans and left for a whole year. After that, the onion is dug up, cleaned, ground and smoked over low heat. And then they wrap it again with a greased cloth and bury it in the ground again until spring, and only then they take it out and put a bowstring on it. Such a bow will never break in the hands of a hunter, will not fail and will never send an arrow past the target.
The bowstring for the hunting bow is woven from wolf hair, female hair and birch bark. This is how the three worlds that northerners believe in are connected – the world of the living, the world of animals and the earth, which many consider to be the world of the dead. Such a bowstring will never break, will never hit the hunter on the hand. Unless he points his bow at a defenseless one.
The Northerners believe in this, and invariably follow the traditions of making their bows. Scientists have long proved that it is impossible to make weapons out of brown birch, however, all the samples that they were able to get from the tribe of bone hunters showed that they are in no way inferior in strength and strength to modern compound bows, and in accuracy and speed of arrow flight they are much superior. However, when tested in battle, these bows instantly broke, and their fragments crumbled to dust before the arrow flew off the bowstring.
A northern hunter would say that a bow is needed for hunting, not for battle, that it is killed only out of necessity, and not for anything else, that honest hunting is the only way. But who will seriously listen to northern hunters who believe in fairy tales and make bows from brown birch?
Decide for yourself who to believe. But this hunting bow, made of brown birch, in an embroidered quiver with a dozen arrows feathered with peregrine falcon feathers, is yours. Who knows, maybe he will bring you good luck in your hunt. I believe that.
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