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The history of Ngeru Nui

The jungle is a very dangerous and mysterious place. In addition to poisonous plants and toads, big cats, or, as the locals call them, Ngeru nui, hide in the treetops. These dangerous predators move almost silently and are able to sneak up on their prey closely in order to then strike.
Many explorers died before we managed to get records of these graceful hunters. However, as the late jungle explorer Jerome Savoyo found out, Ngeru Nui's temper can be curbed. To do this, it is necessary to raise a big cat from childhood. The main thing is to make friends with the cat. In this case, Ngeru Nui will even allow you to climb on his back.
Today, many go to the jungle to get ngeru nui kittens. Not everyone succeeds, so this mount is very rare and exotic. But everyone who has ever ridden on the back of a big cat knows that ngeru nui is worth the money.
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